I am coming from a Unity background and there I just had a component of some custom class in the scene which I could then easily get by calling FindInScene<CustomComponent>
or something like that. Not in Godot this doesn’t work, because I didn’t find a way to get the actual class of an attached script. I always just get GDScript
as the class name even though I did specify a custom one.
The information I want to save are things like: where to spawn players, how many laps will this race have, maybe save references to the spawned players, etc.
So how would I save this “meta” information to get by another script in Godot?
EDIT: here is an example: I have a main scene which can load different levels. When loading a level I need to get some information about that level, like: the available spawn points. Inside each level I have a node with a script attached to it that defined class_name LevelMeta
and holds the meta information that I need when loading the level. How do I detect this script and the associated meta information?
Im assuming you have a predefined level scene, which you instantiate and add as a child to your main scene. If i were to save a bunch of metadata about that level scene, i would add a dictionary named “level_data” to the script of the root node of that levels scene.
extends Node var level_data = { "spawn_point": Vector2(x,y), ... }
After you instantiate that level from your main scene with:
var level1_tscn = load("res://path/to/tscn") var level1 = level1_tscn.instantiate()
You can then get or modify the metadata from that instance reference.
When you are done you can then add it as a child to the main scene with add_child(level1).
You can also do that right away and access the data later ofcourse, but if the values are needed in the _ready function of the level, then you need to modify them before adding it to the main scene.
That seems very nice. Thanks for the input :) I am very much new to Godot and I gotta say most Unity systems in my head still work, but some just let me run against a wall, like the one I described here XD
You generally use the same logic for literally everything in godot.
Spawning a bullet, enemy, item, ui component?
Added something to the previous comment.
Im also not super experienced, i just make unsuccessfull attempts at making games from time to time :) But i do love godot a lot.