So, I’m currently dating someone, and it’s my first time dating. I was a kissless virgin before this but I’m not kissless anymore ^^. Anyway, we get along really well, sharing a lot of interests and similar views. They’re a “newer” lefty, but they have a good head on their shoulders and are open to learning. We’re really excited about each other. We’ve talked a lot over voice chat, had three dates so far, and exchange a bit of daily texting. At this point, I’m pretty sure we’re going to become a couple, maybe even for a longer time.

Today is our 4th date, but I do not intend to tell them I love them because I’m not really sure how love feels. I definitely feel attraction, and it seems very mutual. I guess my question is: When do I tell someone I love them, and how do I know when I truly love them?

Im asking because this is literally my 1st time dating and I have never been involved in anything romantic.

  • Creat
    1 个月前

    I’m addition to all the comments you’ve already gotten, this is highly dependant on where you live. The cultural differences on how common or even expected an “I love you” is varies wildly. It’s also a very personal decision that quite honestly it’s hard to ask for advice about.

    That being said, I’d always prefer to hold it back initially, even if that’s how you (think you) feel. Months (multiple) is a good measure to start of with. Also the reception can be very different depending on the perceived implications. Some people literally run when they hear it, some run when they don’t hear it, which is why this is such a personal judgement call. Not just depending on you but also your (potential) partner.