I swear there used to be so much more premade things like desserts, frozen meals and so on. Over the years the amount lessened but the past few months have been particularly bad.

I am currently unemployed (waiting on police vetting to be able to start) and theoretically homeless (I crash on people’s floors) and I absolutely obviously cannot cook. I’ve lost housing recently but now that I don’t have it the loss is very blatant and hard.

I avoid eating stuff which may make me need to use a bathroom because accessing one can be hard depending on the time of the day and sometimes they’re broken, no toilet paper and so on. Raw stuff sadly agitated my stomach.

I don’t get why the premade vegan stuff has been disappearing. I remember seeing people other than me buying it all the time. More often than not it’s been sold out. Why did they choose not to reorder? Or discontinue? I don’t know which it is. A few years back Aldi had some really AMAZING vegan pizzas and then they disappeared after customers kept buying them out. This is so weird to me. I also haven’t seen any vegan premade non frozen stuff and I used to always see at least one wrap per store. :(

  • jo3rn
    30 days ago

    Basing my comment solely on observations from Germany

    there used to be so much more premade things like desserts, frozen meals and so on.

    If we are only talking about the pure quantity produced, this is increasing year on year.

    I don’t get why the premade vegan stuff has been disappearing.

    We are still in a phase in which a lot is being tried out, refined and discarded

    More often than not it’s been sold out. Why did they choose not to reorder? Or discontinue? I don’t know which it is.

    There is no single reason.

    Space on the food retail shelf is limited, and even if the vegan product sells well, it may be replaced by an even better-selling ( non-vegan or vegan) product.

    Demand is just one factor, and it remains unbroken. However, the market is still relatively small and competitive, which is why new developments are constantly appearing that may not last long. This is actually advantageous for vegans, because the mass of consumers is now large enough that new developments are worthwhile and we can expect (and already have on the shelves) ever nicer products due to this refinement process.

    Example: I know of two German supermarket chains (Penny and Rewe) that have removed vegan pizza from their range, but are planning to introduce new pizza products (changed recipe, different production, different marketing) to put themselves ahead of the competition again.