Mulholland Drive wird immer einen besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen haben. Auf jeden Fall in den Top 3 Filmerlebnissen.
War mein erster Lynch Film. Bin unvoreingenommen rein. War schon abends. Einfach einen Thriller reinziehen, zum Kopf ausschalten. Denkste.
Hab noch Tage später verzweifelt versucht, das Puzzle zusammen zu setzen.
Dann gelegentlich mal wieder ein Film von ihm gesehen. Es ist immer dasselbe Schema: vieles bleibt im Unklaren, keine Ahnung was überhaupt abgeht, trotzdem zieht es in den Bann.
Nur Eraserhead musste ich abbrechen.
Der Soundtrack der letzten Staffel Twin Peaks ist einfach chef’s kiss. Das lohnt sich allein für die Auftritte in der Bang Bang Bar.
Tipp: Lidl Vemondo No Milk gibt’s nächste Woche im Angebot für 84ct
Die Zutaten sind da drüben im Post mit angehängt und beinhalten manch typischen Zweifelsfall: E471, E472e und “natürliches Aroma”
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as vegan, is in fact, GNU/vegan, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus vegan.
Are you me? I worked in a butcher’s shop after school. For me, it was like a job in any other factory, except that the clothes smelled a bit disgusting in the evening. Curing pork belly I never made any connection and didn’t feel any remorse. I was happy to have quick and cheap access to meat. Eating meat was part of the identity in my circle of friends.
The pendulum only swung around when I lived among complete strangers for a while. But I also realize that not everyone gets that chance in life.
That’s okay. There are many people who only know their food as a bite-sized anonymous mass from the supermarket. who think that cows just give milk all the time. They don’t know how piglets are bred. That you can walk into any barn and see unfathomable suffering in every corner. Who have never heard of forceful impregnation, confinement crates, premature separation, tail docking, mulesing, torture breeding, teeth clipping, CO2 chambers, castration, steroid growth, veal crates, tethering, weaning rings, induced moulting, sheep dipping… and we haven’t even started on the illegal cruelties.
In this state of blissful ignorance, you might regard someone who associates eating a steak with rape as crazy.
I used to be like this too. And to be honest, there are times when I wish I could return to it and just dismiss vegans with a downvote as exaggerating and annoying.
Verdammt. McRib hatte ich in meiner Jugend jedes Mal bestellt, wenn es dort hin ging. Ich habe gerade einen längst vergessenen Geschmack im Mund.
Auf der anderen Seite gehören diese ganzen meatgrinder Fast Food Ketten boykottiert und abgefackelt. Muss. Stark. Bleiben.
I would trip over your description “a vegan restaurant that serves a bit of meat” as well, because it doesn’t make sense to call it “vegan” then.
I can understand why someone would want to prevent the term “vegan” from being watered down.
If a supposedly vegan restaurant suddenly offers non-vegan dishes, this carries more weight for vegans than if some other restaurant tinkers with its menu.
You may have already advertised the “vegan” restaurant in good faith and now they’re stabbing you in the back.
The change also shows that the owners themselves are not vegan. And then, of course, you question everything: were the ingredients ever properly screened? What about the wine? Were the chairs covered in leather? Were the candles made from beeswax?
Just imagine a “vegan” restaurant that has an advertising banner for the elephant circus hanging on the door. Outrage would be justified. But they even put fucking meat on the menu.
“Vegan” is a statement. People should not tag it on their business if they’re merely coicidentally plant-based and don’t actually care for animal rights.
It would certainly have been more conciliatory for everyone if the mods had made it clear in the thread why they were upset about the comments. On the other hand, I can also understand if they were not in the mood for the hundredth discussion and would rather take the “easier” route and delete the comment. But I also think it’s excessive to justify it with “fake vegan”. You’re vegan if you leave your hands off the animals. Semantic considerations are not necessary.
That being said, it’s wonderful that you’re both vegan and that the topic is obviously important to you. Don’t let a loose string on the jointly pulled rope divide you. We have more important battles to fight.
Vegan btw
Why is it an insane comparison?
Cows, pigs, sheeps, etc. are raped (no consent) and sexually assaulted (against their will) for dairy, meat, wool…
Diversity is the most effective form of activism. There is no one silver bullet, but all types strengthen each other.
It takes famous people to use their reach to promote and inspire the vegan message. It takes entrepreneurs who create awesome food, cool clothes and enjoyable entertainment. It needs creatives who make interesting media and art. It needs scholars to work out the ethical nuances. It needs the average Joe who simply leads by example. It needs the radicals who wake people up with shock value. We need lawyers who sue animal abusers to the ground. We need farmers to switch to plant-based farming. We need outgoing people that organize events. It needs teachers and parents who encourage empathy. It needs… just a shit load of people.
Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses and sees themselves in certain roles more than others. And that’s a good thing, because we need these different approaches.
For me personally, it feels most effective when I seek out and support other vegan people. Activism is best unfolded together.
I also do shitpost a lot btw. I believe in rare cases that this can also make people start to think. But it’s actually mainly coping therapy.
Genau mein Motto: Zum Fest der Liebe kriegt der Gockel Hiebe.
Jetzt fehlt nur noch mein Artikel in einer großen deutschen Tageszeitung, in der ich andere zum gelegentlichen Fleischkonsum animiere. Dann kann ich mich endlich auch Vegetarier nennen 🎖
wollte die Deaktivierung auch gar nicht infrage stellen. Das macht schon Sinn, da nicht viele diese Beurteilung treffen können und man evtl. vor Ort sein muss.
Schade, das erst jetzt zu sehen. Da ich regelmäßig HappyCow nutze (leider nicht open source), hätte ich das immer gleich mitmachen können.
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