The Supreme Court has rejected an emergency appeal from Nevada’s Green Party seeking to include presidential candidate Jill Stein on the ballot in the battleground state.

The court’s order Friday, without any noted dissents, allows ballot preparation and printing to proceed in Nevada without Stein and other Green Party candidates included.

The outcome is a victory for Democrats who had challenged the Greens’ inclusion on the ballot in a state with a history of extremely close statewide races. In 2020, President Joe Biden outpaced former President Donald Trump by fewer than 35,000 votes in the state.

  • Bluefalcon
    3 hours ago

    Jill Stein filled out the wrong paper work and never corrected it. It makes her seem incompetent.

    Dems, rightfully, challenged that she miss the deadline and had the wrong paperwork. See Florida for why these is right. They routinely have candidates of the same name to confuse people. Always targeted at the Democratic party. They don’t want to win, they just want to make sure Democrats lose.

    Jill Stein is looking for special treatment. She wants to be apart of everything but not do the minimal requirements. Is the system rigged? Yes, look at Bernie Sanders for example. He came up through the local system as an independent. Built a base and then went national where he is still an independent. He switched to Democrat for the president bid and got fucked over. However, he built a viable third party in Vermont and he is still and independent today. Stein is the new Tulsi Gabbard but with less support.