Here’s a tutorial I wrote on using components to help keep your code organized.

  • mrsgreenpotato
    5 months ago

    Correct, I’d also use exported values if possible. But that isn’t flexible enough in some cases, because you’d need to individually export all possible attributes that the node might have.

    For it to be more flexible, you could have something like this:

    for child in get_children():
      if child is ClassNameHere:
        return child

    That would give you the same result as described in the article, without string reference. You could make a static func for it and call it a day :)

      • mrsgreenpotato
        5 months ago

        We don’t have generics in gdscript unfortunately, there’s a whole thread discussing about it here. You’d need to either have this piece of code in every place you want to retrieve the component, or you could have a static function in the component class that takes a node as a parameter and checks if it has children nodes of the correct type. Then it can return the correct type node as well and should be fully type safe. But you need to have this static function on each and every component class, which I think you can’t overcome without generics.

        • Paragrimm
          5 months ago

          @mrsgreenpotato ahh ok, could you extend from a base node type and add this function respectively?

          We’ve defined “entities” in our project and each Entity-Type has a script for some basic functionality (to define that it IS an entity etc.).

          In our project a CharacterBody3D entity is an “Actor”, while a RigidBody3D is an “Item” for example. And we’re basically only working with these and define components for them that we can retrieve via a Dictionary<StringName, Resource>

          • Paragrimm
            5 months ago

            @mrsgreenpotato (2/2) and in our case, we’ve put every piece of data into resources where we export the values we need. If we need a node in a scene, we just export it and it’s mostly a direct childNode of the scene. All in all we have a system where the example zombie consists of the following components: Ai, Model, Stats, Info, Sfx, Chemistry. These have their own scenes that get added to the entityNode. In the end there’s no need for such a helper function basically :D (at least yet)

            • mrsgreenpotato
              5 months ago

              Yes, as long as you know what components are inside the Zombie scene, then you can export it. But the idea of being more flexible is that you shouldn’t need to update the Zombie class when you add a new component to it. E.g. You want the zombie to be “Bumpable” now (for some reason :)), then you should be able to just add the Bumpable node to your Zombie scene and that’s it. With your approach, you’d need to also reference and export it in the Zombie class first.