Got into flight sims at some point and decided to build a simple button box with the very basics. It’s intended mostly for the AV8B harrier, but can be bound to any plane or any sim. Letters are laser engraved on translucent white acrylic that i painted in black beforehand. There are green LEDs behind the panel that backlight the thing. (not bright enough though).
Pics or it didn’t… eject? :)
Here it is. It’s mounted on an extra support I had laying around, I can smash it without looking, something I do quite often when playing DCS as I’m not very… let’s say… proficient. ;) Inside it’s run by an Arduino Micro. The other buttons I often use for Emergency Jettisons… as you can see there’s a “Theme” :)
your MPCDs look great too, did you DIY them or buy them ?
I planned to DIY them but ended up with Cubesim ones. Can’t complain, they are really good.
It seems like I can’t upload pics though. I’ll try from the web.