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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/One-Rain1116 on 2024-12-16 21:51:52+00:00.

I went on a date with a girl that is earning well over 100k a year, potentially upwards of even 200k. Not sure of the exact figure but I know it’s alot. Now I’m not bothered by money and certainly not dating for it. But as we were chatting about work, she politely asked me what my salary is as a butchery assistant manager. I told her and her mouth dropped.

She told me that the rate that I’m on after 11 years in the industry and 4 years of getting my butchery ticket, she pays her brand new staff the same rate. So I asked what qualifications they needed. Her reply? Absolutely fucking nothing. They don’t even have to be computer literate. Within a year they’ll be on significantly more than me.

So why the fuck should I consider staying in the industry when I’m paid next to nothing. I work withing 8-12 hours overtime every week, we get a tiny bonus, if at all,at the end of the year and I’ve had to cancel multiple holidays this year because we’re consistently short staffed. So I’ll be looking for a new job very soon.