The UK should back Donald Trump’s expected maximum economic sanctions against Iran as part of an effort to encourage nationals to end their support for the current regime in Tehran, Mark Sedwill, the former cabinet secretary, argues in a report published on Monday.

He writes: “It is not for the west, let alone the UK, to determine who rules Iran. That is for the Iranian people. But we can make clear that the right choice will bring benefits just as the wrong one will bring more of the same.”

He suggests in a foreword to a Policy Exchange pamphlet that the UK should show leadership against Iran by backing what he regards as Trump’s likely policy of a return to maximum economic sanctions against the regime.

  • jmcs
    2 months ago

    Did that strategy ever work? If it did Cuba should have changed regimes about 50 times by now.

      2 months ago

      It works if there is a sepratest movement. You can see that in Syria for example. Long term sanctions, people start getting annoyed by living costs, while government enjoying luxury live style.

      This generate angr leading to protest supported by the CIA , the government then push back with heavy handed approach leading to a civil war. The CIA then feed both groups to keep it going and the US government deals with group to get natural resources.

      In the middle east this is done as Israel demand it from the US government.

      I think it is failing in countries where the government make sure to provide people with basic needs. So while might be upset, it is still better than war or civil war.

      During the Arab Spring cost of food was high and you can barely access it in countries like Egypt, this doesn’t seems to be happening anytime soon in Iran.

      I assume there are many other factors, but for sure sanctions is a dirty tactic by US and friends to achieve Israel goals in the regions.

      • Flying
        2 months ago

        It also works better if the sanctions are international. The U.S. embargoing Cuba matters a lot less when people from all over the rest of the world can go to Cuban resorts. My Canadian uncle went a while back.

        The Cuban embargo is closer to a little kid refusing to share their toys than an actual sanction program.