When Dartmouth College launched the Basic language 50 years ago, it enabled ordinary users to write code. Millions did. But we've gone backwards since then, and most users now seem unable or unwilling to create so much as a simple macro
It is the primary computing platform Kids These Days™ are familiar with. There are some anecdotes of colleges and universities seeing new students being less capable with desk/laptops, not just in being able to type efficiently, but also in how they expect computer interfaces to work.
(I hated touch typing in school, but as an adult I find it’s good to have learned how to use the primary input device for a lot of tasks efficiently. Having to hold thoughts longer because I can’t type it out fast enough just increases my cognitive load.)
It is the primary computing platform Kids These Days™ are familiar with. There are some anecdotes of colleges and universities seeing new students being less capable with desk/laptops, not just in being able to type efficiently, but also in how they expect computer interfaces to work.
(I hated touch typing in school, but as an adult I find it’s good to have learned how to use the primary input device for a lot of tasks efficiently. Having to hold thoughts longer because I can’t type it out fast enough just increases my cognitive load.)