I guess this is for the Enterprise version, since I’m not smart enough to install the Community version . . .
There are a number of small issues I could use some help with that (unless I’m very much mistaken) don’t appear to be covered in any of the documentation, on the forums, or in the video tutorials (how to customize to the web page’s header beyond the templates that are provided and how to use the HTML/CSS editor are two of the questions I have).
I’d be much obliged for any assistance, and I can go into more detail about the issues I’m having if this sounds like something anyone can help with.
I feel you. I’ve also had this experience with many parts of Odoo, and the website builder strikes me as one of the more unstable parts of the system. Although I haven’t tried 18.0.
As suspected, I don’t have a good answer for you, but maybe general advice: With the website app, I found that some settings hide in the odoo settings pages, where I didn’t expect having to look for them. Moreover, when working with the website builder, it pays off to keep the site open in a private browser window (not logged in). Elements like the sign in thing tend to have different behaviour for users vs. anonymous visitors.
And lastly, if the above doesn’t help, I recommend you keep at it and find the elements in the HTML/CSS editor. It’s not very satisfying to hear it and it’s a painful experience, but you do learn a lot and you WILL find it if you keep at it. That’s my experience at least (I wrote my own document template, and boy do I hate that templating engine. But got it to do what I want in the end, and I know much more about Odoo now.)