Yup. Welcome to AMD snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Looked this morning and everything is at least 150 bucks over MSRP.
Yup. Welcome to AMD snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Looked this morning and everything is at least 150 bucks over MSRP.
Just saw one retailer in Germany (nbb) still with one 9070 XT for 689€ (MSRP I guess), but when you click the listing, you get an error. The rest are 800€+
Other retailers I checked are all sold out, even at 900€, if they even have the 9000-series.
On geizhals (website to check and compare prices for tons of different shops) is only one single 9070 XT listing, a 900€ model directly from the ASUS store and even there you get a 404.