Get out those measuring tapes…how big is it?

Your book collection.

I thought this was a fun/silly thing to chat about and wanted to share it here.

I use the My Library app on Android to catalog my personal collection (less than 800 books but growing)

Do you ever ‘weed’ your collection? What’s your ratio of print to ebooks? Do you collect in certain subject area(s)? From where do you acquire? (used bookstores, online, new bookstores, etc.)

Thanks for sharing!

  • KokusnussRitter
    10 hours ago

    Not that many, bacause I don’t have a lot of space. I borrow from the library occasionally, which is brilliant, because it’s cheap and doesn’t take up space.

    And yes, I weed my collection and keep only books that I really enjoyed or know that I’ll reread. Sometimes I try to sell them 2nd hand, others that are lesser value I leave at these public book cabinets.

    I hardly ever give away educational books though. I feel like I could come back at them anytime and they’ll still provide information and usefullness.