Hi there,

i came from Manjaro to KDE to ZorinOS, which is, as far as I know, an Ubuntu with some tweaks?! However it’s running gnome Desktop and I’m quite confused about an obviously less used feature by Chromium / Chrome.

In Chrome you can install Websites like Nextcloud as a kind of PWA, which means that I am able to create a shortcut for Nextcloud Contacts e.g. from the context menu of Chromium by using the function “install as an App” or “create shortcut” which basically does the same. After “installation” I was able to find the Web-Shortcut in the App Menu and could run it in a separate window beside browser, with specific Icon, which makes working in different web Apps way easier.

That has never been a problem on KDE Desktop but on Gnome. After some research I found out, that it has to do with Gnome security related settings and the point, that I can’t simply put shortcuts on the desktop, what chromium actually does. All the few support articles I could found are more then 10 years old so it might be different today, but I still couldn’t find a way to make it work, what is really annoying.

I recorded a short video to explain. Maybe anyone can help me out on that :)

  • whzfuxOP
    1 year ago

    this is what the .desktop file contains:

    #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Terminal=false Type=Application Name=TIDAL Exec=/snap/chromium/2572/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome --profile-directory=Default --app-id=emefpkhgihlhfddcjfghpndaeliajgjj Icon=chrome-emefpkhgihlhfddcjfghpndaeliajgjj-Default StartupWMClass=crx_emefpkhgihlhfddcjfghpndaeliajgjj