
  • 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • whzfuxOPto/e/OS@lemmy.world/e/OS on Samsung A52s
    12 days ago

    Okay, I made it. So here is my solution under arch linux.

    • activating OEM unlock via dev. options
      • if its not available it helped me to disable “auto updates” in dev options and return the date to anything in the past, then restart the device. If the OEM Unlock button is still not available, try other solutions
    • Downloading and installing odin4 via paru
    • go to linage repo and download vbmeta.img manually (https://download.lineageos.org/devices/a52sxq/builds)
    • Open a Command Prompt in the folder where the file was downloaded and TAR the file by running tar --format=ustar -cvf vbmeta.tar vbmeta.img
    • go to download mode via Vol. Down + Vol Up
    • it will now ask you for unlocking the bootloader by following on screen information
    • in the turqois screen it should say now bootloader state = checking+
      • if not do a system update (this helped in my case. other say you must run the device with sim and wifi for 7 days or anything else. You must find your way)
    • open up a shell in the folder where your tar file is located
    • run odin4 -a vbmeta.tar
    • when it reboots, remove the cable from the device (it just needs about 3 sec to finish the flash of vbmeta)
    • delete userdata like described on the screen
    • completly set up device, skip what can be skipped and shut down the device
    • go to download mode via Vol. Down + Vol Up
    • bootloader state said “broken” now
    • download and extract the recovery zip and rename the recovery…img to simply recovery.img
    • Open a Command Prompt in the folder where the file was downloaded and TAR the file by running tar --format=ustar -cvf recovery.tar recovery.img
    • now flashing the recovery via odin4 -a recovery.tar
      • it will immediatly restart the device once finished. Do not remove the cable. Make sure to immediatly hit Vol. Up + Power to boot into recovery mode. If you miss it, the device will reboot completly and you need to repeat this step.
    • once in /e/OS recovery, perform a factory reset and then it apply update
    • continue with the step “Install /e/OS” like documentated

  • Thanks for your shared experience and tips :) I followed a few of them, like Introspektion everytime I realized I feel stressed or rushed or pushed to anything. It worked out quiet well. I also changed my working habit to evening / night time when it was possible due appointments. This way I created timeslots during the morning and afternoon to have enough energy to meet up friends or getting shit done Iam pushing way to long around. When I saw friends as explained them about my autism behaviours and what my plans are right now to reduce overload. They all react with a lot of understanding and asked theirself if they could do change anything on their behaviour to support me.

    All this gave me the setting to accept me more and helped me to do the work in the evening with a more or less free head, cause I had everything I planned for the day done already

    Working during night was sth I ever loved but gave up by time cause of external demands and so it became standard routine. For me, the biggest advantage of working late is, there a mostly no interruptions of Mails, calls, chats or workmates. So i can completly focus on my tasks, what makes me more aware of what i am actually doing or needing. Plus i was full of ressource cause I could follow myself during the day, like I normally do afterwork. So whoever can manage to shift worktimes and struggling with those things, should give it a try IMO.

    As we have a birthday in our shared flat on saturday, i felt yesterday like needing time for myself to leave the week behind, so yesterday evening I took me time, explained to my girlfriend, that Iam feeling stressed of the week even as it all went out quiet well and to save energy for the birthday party and try to avoid a shutdown on sunday or monday, which was alright as always. She gave me the space i need since day one. Now after 4 years we manage to build a save zone where we can really talk everything and sharing even the deepest thoughts and moments with each other.

    All together I had a great week which I wanted to share :)

  • Wow! Thank you so much for this ressource. I recently experienced a shutdown a couple of days ago. The whole idea of me as an autist person is quiete new for me and came along by my psychotherapist, who mentioned this to be possible in a sentence beside. Since then I started to watch me and my behaviour from an other perspective and found a ton of symptoms of being autism too. In the past I often had this feeling of a shutdown and or meltdown and could never tell what it actually was but really really bad mood and anger about each and everything. Only my dog was “okay” to be there in those times, as long as she only did keep an eye on our surrounding for our “safety” from the perspective of a dog.

    Anyway. Thanks a lot for posting this video, it helped me to identify possible triggers in my daily routines

  • whzfuxOPtoUbuntuAdding .desktop files to app menu
    2 years ago

    this is what the .desktop file contains:

    #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Terminal=false Type=Application Name=TIDAL Exec=/snap/chromium/2572/usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome --profile-directory=Default --app-id=emefpkhgihlhfddcjfghpndaeliajgjj Icon=chrome-emefpkhgihlhfddcjfghpndaeliajgjj-Default StartupWMClass=crx_emefpkhgihlhfddcjfghpndaeliajgjj

  • whzfuxtoSysadminPatch Tuesday Megathread
    2 years ago

    Thank you guys for the replies! I am on holiday so it doesn’t bother me now. But its good to know that I don’t really have to care and can rely on ms in this.

    We are doing the client patching automatically and do check periodically when we are on-site. Its a very small infrastructure with about 20 clients at all.