Looking at the two big news publishers in my country. One isn’t reporting about the current bombings at all, while the other one is phrasing their words mostly anti-Palestinian.

Is there some neutral coverage I can keep up to? Where do you guys get your info from?

  • schnurrito
    11 months ago

    Neutrality isn’t a thing. Everything written about something as contentious as this is propaganda.

    For attempts to be neutral, try Western mainstream media or Wikipedia (which mostly just summarizes Western mainstream media anyway).

    For one sided propaganda for Israel, try https://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

    For one sided propaganda for Palestine, try https://mondoweiss.net/

    Read all those and choose for yourself what parts of which sides you want to believe. Or don’t. You can also live in peace and happiness knowing that the conflict exists without thinking about it too much because in the end it doesn’t really matter what you think about it anyway.