I fired up ONI on my lunch break and was surprised to see a popup about a new update.

They added automation ports to atmosuit checkpoints! This is going to make handling suits in rockets so much easier!

Oh and:

  • new story trait Grow A Bot: Abandoned machinery uses zombie spores to make robots
  • New system for critter moods
    • and they say they fixed pacu feeding
  • Food dehydrator/rehydrator: dehydrated food never spoils, but has to be rehydrated to eat
  • a new animated short
  • plus more

Pretty massive update. I can’t wait to dig into it.

Now that we have the food dehydrator I really want a way to base an automation off of available calories.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍OP
    8 months ago

    I’ve been thinking that dehydrated food might be a good alternative to berry sludge for things like setting up new bases. But I don’t know, I think I’m always going to end up wanting to make frost burgers ad spicy tofu so I’m always going to have the ingredients for berry sludge anyway.

    If rehydrating can be automated then it might be good for trickle feeding the tree.