I find that the images I generate using AI that I like the most get the lowest vote scores, while the ones that I am even ambivalent about posting get the highest scores.

Examples: These two (Despair & Colors) were my most intimate ones. They are reflections of internal experiences I’ve had my whole life, followed by decades of introspection to imagine these images. They also took me the most work to generate, and if anyone in MS is reviewing what I make, they might be concerned with how hard I worked to make these and the troubling prompts I used. Anyway, I posted them immediately after generating them because I thought they were great. Still, they only have a score of 28 and 36, respectively.

On the other hand, I sat on posting the Electric Slide for a day or two, yet it was the best received with a vote score of 166. The He-Moon I was almost certain was going to be in the negatives, yet it has a score of 150. Both of these probably took 15 mins max each to generate, but are my top scoring images. We can argue that humorous ones will likely be better received, but the humorous ones I like the most did not score anywhere near as much. Drahkermit still makes me laugh (lol), yet has a score of 48.

Anyone else, or am I alone on this? Also, do you have any relevant insight to share?

Btw, I’m not critiquing anyone or complaining at all. I don’t really care for my scores other than to assess how others liked them for guidance on what to post. I’m really just trying to figure out why this phenomenon is occurring and why. I find it curious that there is an apparent mismatch, and I think it would be an insightful lesson for me to help understand things better :)

Note: The scores noted here are what I saw at the time I posted this.

  • rufus
    1 year ago

    Well, you feeling strong about something doesn’t necessarily mean other people also care about that thing.

    And the pictures you called Despair and Colors are something you need to stop and think about for a moment. And social media is fast, people don’t do that. They’ll upvote something that is colorful and catches their eye while scrolling past. Something obviously funny on a glance or things that have to do with pop-culture and are agreeable. What also works is to mix two things that don’t go together. That’s easy to understand and a pun lots of people get immediately and they’ll upvote you for that.

    I don’t think a (normal) social media platform will ever become an art gallery.

      • rufus
        1 year ago

        Sure. Presentation has a lot to do with how art is received. But I think on platforms like Lemmy there is only so much you can do. I mean… It’s kind of the correct approach. You can post images and a preview shows up in everyone’s timeline. People can vote and engage in a discussion…

        Still, I think I’m often in the wrong mindset. I open the app, my brain is looking for that short dopamine rush while scrolling through things but it’s news article, cute picture of an animal, AI art, someone’s project, next news article about war… I don’t think I’m really paying attention or embracing anything, most of the time. It’s just too much and quality of the posts is very mixed so I make split second decisions if I even pay attention at all.

        You’re probably right. A forum or blog would be something that encourages people to spend a bit more time on a given subject. Or something like a magazine with curated content. Or we just don’t mind that Lemmy / social media doesn’t encourage people getting into the correct mindset. The added exposure could be worth it over the smaller audience in a dedicated forum. And it seems to reach some people…