I have a large library of steam games, but yet always come back to Garry mod and ravensfield. I keep coming back for the modded content and every other game is excellent, don’t get me wrong. But a lot of big games like RD2 and watchdogs 2 just seem like such a long time investment. What 2 games do you infinitely come back to?
If we get access too all future updates, Dwarf Fortress is my clear #1 choice.
If we also assume that the game will forever have an active enough userbase that lack of players won’t be a detriment: Infinity Wars as my #2.
If we assume no updates, no mods and no guarantee of users: Tales of Maj’Eyal and probably some 4x or grand strategy game, it’s a tossup between Civ, Gal Civ, and Endless Legend, maybe even one of the Total Wars.
Oh dwarf fortress is a good pick!
I’ve only played it for a handful of hours to see how it’s actually played. It’s certainly a game that rewards the effort you put into it.