St Louis group wished to donate money from bracelet sale to children’s relief fund but Girl Scouts said it could make political statement

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  • Bob Robertson IX
    7 months ago

    Except, for Ukraine the troops weren’t selling anything and weren’t sending money anywhere. They were doing a supply drive and sending supplies to Ukraine. The Girl Scouts have very explicit rules around fund raising, and those rules apply to all nonprofits that are classified the way the Girl Scouts are, and you are not allowed to sell things and send funds out. In fact, during leader training it is drilled into every leader that they cannot sell anything that isn’t an official product with prior approval - which is hardly ever given.

    This troop could have collected supplies and sent those. The troop could have used their troop funds to buy supplies and send those. But they are not allowed to give money.

    This isn’t about the Girl Scouts supporting one cause over the other, or shying away from a political or partisan activity, this is about a troop that broke the rules and then have tried to turn themselves into political martyrs.

      7 months ago

      If the issue is they broke the rules, then tell them they broke the rules and specify which ones.

      Instead; they hid behind a completely bullshit ‘we don’t participate in political activities’ excuse.

      If it’s not about shying away from political activities, then don’t say it’s about shying away from political activities. Pretty simple.

      • Bob Robertson IX
        7 months ago

        Except the Girl Scouts never said that they don’t participate in political activities, that was an editorialized line from the article author. Having dealt with the Girl Scouts a lot I have absolutely no doubt that they told the troop which rules they broke. In fact, it is drilled into EVERY leader of the Girl Scouts that this type of fund raising under the Girl Scouts banner is not allowed.

        What we have in this article is one side of the story meant to push a narrative.