Skyrim VAs are speaking out about the spread of pornographic AI mods.

  • Creat
    1 year ago

    Technologically it doesn’t just magically come up with the voice you want using AI. It uses training data, which you need explicit permission (even using existing copyright law) to use as the basis of derivative work. It just happens without a human manually stitching it together. It’s now also capable of much more, and the lines definitely get blurrier for some things, but this at least seems pretty clear cut.

    If a human imitates a voice that is still his creation. It’s even it’s own art form, arguably.

    Even if you could manage to create that voice using AI with only publicly available recordings, it likely highly friends where you are in the world. There are laws that give you the right to your own image, so just cause someone took a picture of you doesn’t mean he can do anything with it without your permission. It’s possible that this would extend to recordings of your voice in a similar way, if taken to court.