For me, though pretty basic, it would be Harry Styles - Daylight

Though it probably is because, and I have no shame in saying this, I have a crush on Harry Styles

    2 years ago

    Inama Nushif (especially considered the scene where it plays) and Jihad are great too.

    Latest Dune movie immensely disappointed me with its uninspired generic soundtrack* compared to what is probably the greatest sounded franchise ever consistently though most of movies and games. Prophecy theme from Lynch Dune and entire soundtrack from Dune 1 game are still among my all time favourites. Even the westwood games from Dune 2 up to Emperor had some good music.

    *Atreides theme was decent and Sardaukar chant is banger, but that’s it, rest is subpar and take much from the otherwise good movie.