So I’m housesitting/dogsitting and the first channel on the TV when I turned it on is a channel that streams old anime, I guess. I never bothered to change it since I always just airplay videos from my phone, but today I left it playing normally for background noise. The current anime playing is City Hunter and I noticed the main character is a HUGE pervert. In the beginning of an episode he literally steals and revels in a pile of girls bras and underwear.

I’ve grown up seeing these types of characters in every anime I’ve watched but I guess I’m a little put off by the fact that it goes farther back than my era. Pervert characters have always bothered me, even when I was younger and less aware, and I know they’re supposed to be comedic relief but I have a hard time finding the comedy in sexual harassment. Some even go as far as sexual assault. They are so common and also happen to be part of the main cast which, for me, makes it so much worse. One Piece is a show I had to stop watching because of Sanji, I had other issues too but he was a big contributor.

Does anyone know why these characters are so prevalent?

    1 year ago

    When it comes to Japan’s views of sexuality, gender, porn, etc the only way to really describe it is… “Incel the country.”

    Keep thinking about how to describe their very weird conservative but openly sexual society where you can’t have unblurred images of genitals but also have people just browsing porn shops openly in markets like it’s no big deal but also how so much of their porn is hugely derogatory towards women. One of their most popular genres is NTR which I won’t go into but it’s like, pretty derogatory stuff and often includes black mail, rape, etc.

    It really just boils down to “Incel the country.”