Canadian cosmonaut desperate for comrades in the worst province.

Yes, the dogs are also communists.

  • 25 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2022


  • Call me naive but I don’t really think this was some elaborate scheme. From what I can tell, the hype and whatnot came from the hilarious fact that both Barbie and Oppenheimer were released on the same day and both were anticipated to be the movies of the summer, naturally putting them in competition. Two very big films with vastly differing aesthetics is the perfect pairing for such a phenomenon. Thus the memes came out in full force and definitely contributed to the further marketing of these films.

  • I really don’t understand why people online (twitter and TikTok, but mostly twitter) were freaking out about this movie. I’m not talking about the valid historical critiques, but more so the people arguing whether Oppenheimer himself was portrayed as a sympathetic character vs a coward. I have to wonder if we watched the same movie because to me it was pretty damn clear what they were trying to portray, not just with the characters’ actions but with the framing and music choices. I did say both movies were complex and I stand by that, but Oppenheimer wasn’t complicated in the way some are making it out to be.

  • I think my mom is a special case because she didn’t know what communism was at all. As in, she didn’t know what the word was, the history, famous figures, etc. she only learned about it after I educated her on some things. It was surface level but enough to get her raving about Cuba so that’s cool.

    I have yet to teach her about Tsar Nicholas II but if she ever brings him up I’ll try my best to do so.