How do you write a cover letter for a job doing very basic tasks? I feel like Im either shmoozing and being way over the top, or being realistic in a way that will keep me from getting the job. For reference the job is to package coffee and make other products. I guess i just dont understand. I need a job, they need a worker. This work can be done by most people, its not some field thats relevant, its putting beans in bags and brewing coffee, how can I say “i really want to work here” when in reality any job will do, this is just the one that vibes best with my social capacity and is offered by the least offensive corporation. Like what am I gonna say, “I love brewing coffee, i spend every day constantly brewing coffee and moving my coffee beans from one bag to another, because I just like handling coffee”?
I have also been studying or doing self employed things like tutoring for the past 10 years and my cover letter skills were shit before this and have only gotten worse.
Cant I just write “job. Me need job. You have job. Me need money for survive. You need worker for labour. You give money, i work. I work good.” and be done with it?
This is really good but also some things I struggle with in there. I know i have to do some kind of corpo-speak esq shit, but like
This is so hard for me, like I know its not lying but selling myself is something im really bad at lol.
But genuinely thank you this is a helpful form to follow
Yeah, it’s a painful process trying to shill yourself. I find having that framing/template to run off takes a lot of the pressure off. I’ll use previous cover letters as a basis that I’ll mark up for the next role, and you end up shopping a lot of the same stock phrases over and over.
You can use GPTs now, but without prompting it on your existing CV it’ll just come out as general platitudes. Best of luck with your applications!
You’re not writing about you, you’re writing about your bad universe twin who is a huge lib
I like borgar and slave labour