In Utah County the cheapest “House” for sale is 600 square feet, 2 bed, 1 bath, at $300k.

So at current interest rate it would be $1,800 a month mortgage(assuming you put the 60k down payment! A decent amount more if you do 3% down.)

The cheapest condo/town in utah valley is 205k, 1,100 square feet, on a 400 square foot lot. But due to a $500 HOA fee the monthly cost is still 1,700 a month (assuming 20% down).

With 3.5% down they’d both be closer to 2.1k +PIMI.

So yeah, how is where you live doing?

    1 year ago

    Does that count though? If it isn’t even legal to live in yet, I think we should add rebuilding costs to be accurate. I could afford that $10,000 with help from the bank, but wouldn’t have the first idea how much it would cost me to make it livable. Can you still get a mortgage or house loans on materials to rebuild?