Beau of the Fifth Column was a key member of a human trafficking operation in Florida from 2004-2007. He has never adequately addressed this despite having h...
It was made public a little while back but “breadtube” radlibs refused to acknowledge it and still defend this creep - as can be seen in the subreddit pissing and moaning about the damn tankies trying to discredit this big wholesome boy 😢.
According to the libs a shortened sentence in a cushy federal lockup is more than enough penance and rehabilitation for traficking hundreds of vulnerable women. Sure he hasn’t admitted anything but I’m sure his heart is changed 😊. Not like that irredeemable tankie fuckface BadEmpanada who perpetrated the unforgivable crime of being mean to a pedo streamer
I hate when people act like someone has changed just because time has passed, when there’s no indication of them growing or attoning for what they did.
I swear I keep hearing about this like every few months by people rediscovering it happened. Can’t really blame folks for that, but it’s kind of beating the proverbial dead horse.
well if its any consolation, no serious party really gives a shit about the guy anyways because it’s all internet nonsense meaning there’s no need for any sort of party line
Naah, we’re on the same page. I’m just poking fun. This guy has been suspect from the rip and I’m naturally suspicious of anyone who took him serious in the first place.
I could swear I heard about this a few years ago, I think 2021.
It was made public a little while back but “breadtube” radlibs refused to acknowledge it and still defend this creep - as can be seen in the subreddit pissing and moaning about the damn tankies trying to discredit this big wholesome boy 😢.
According to the libs a shortened sentence in a cushy federal lockup is more than enough penance and rehabilitation for traficking hundreds of vulnerable women. Sure he hasn’t admitted anything but I’m sure his heart is changed 😊. Not like that irredeemable tankie fuckface BadEmpanada who perpetrated the unforgivable crime of being mean to a pedo streamer
theres a subreddit? oh the breadtub nerds, nevermind
edit: lmao there’s a subreddit dedicated to the dude too
I hate when people act like someone has changed just because time has passed, when there’s no indication of them growing or attoning for what they did.
I swear I keep hearing about this like every few months by people rediscovering it happened. Can’t really blame folks for that, but it’s kind of beating the proverbial dead horse.
it’s almost like we need some sort of mass party line to get everyone on the same page or whatever.
well if its any consolation, no serious party really gives a shit about the guy anyways because it’s all internet nonsense meaning there’s no need for any sort of party line
I’m leaving
to start a party focused on developing a correct line on every youtuber
I’m sorry but this actually made my brain hurt from reading it.
10/10 comment
Naah, we’re on the same page. I’m just poking fun. This guy has been suspect from the rip and I’m naturally suspicious of anyone who took him serious in the first place.
I don’t think there was ever a serious video or article laying out everything like this before so it is different.