Someone who knows me IRL, as in by name, reported me to the Estonian State Security Agency probably for that one time I flipped the bird at the Foreign Ministry or attending a Palestinian rally, waving both the South African and Palestinian flag, while donning a keffiyeh and one of those fancy hats from Nigeria. Most likely they recognized me from pictures taken.
UPDATE: The 3-hours long discussion was nowhere near as horrific as I’d envision. Even in this BalticraKKKer land, I was able to pretty openly like… quite literally, post. To put it briefly, it was basically explaining historic/material analysis and what critical support means. In the least likeliest of all places, lmao.
Thank you,
Did a quick Google search and saw an NPR article claiming he’s become a symbol for the left and the right…
left is when progressive, right is when adventurism and violence
Grr. Fuck NPR.
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