Someone who knows me IRL, as in by name, reported me to the Estonian State Security Agency probably for that one time I flipped the bird at the Foreign Ministry or attending a Palestinian rally, waving both the South African and Palestinian flag, while donning a keffiyeh and one of those fancy hats from Nigeria. Most likely they recognized me from pictures taken.
UPDATE: The 3-hours long discussion was nowhere near as horrific as I’d envision. Even in this BalticraKKKer land, I was able to pretty openly like… quite literally, post. To put it briefly, it was basically explaining historic/material analysis and what critical support means. In the least likeliest of all places, lmao.
In most of the
it’s illegal to display the even the Palestinian flag, which will be instantly taken as your typical “Hamas hamas hamas hamas hamas” drivel. Maybe in :estonia-burning: it isn’t illegal de jure as of yet…
But it’s expected they will also now start throwing shade at South Africa too, all things considered.
Fuck that’s grim. The EU is such a hellhole.
Wishing you the best in your case!