MaM and Geek and some other sites post a weekly 0-Day dump from the comic usenet boards.

So every week, all the comics for the week a dropped in one bundle. “0-Day Week” is what they’re called.

Make an feed in your usenet/torrent/autobrr client to auto dl these weekly packs. Then in mylar add it to the folder-monitor.

To “quickly” (processing takes a while) jumpstart a collection go to MaM and download entire years worth of comics and have mylar import them all.

Please use MaM as having seeders is really important for all these comics.

    11 months ago

    I haven’t heard of this before! I’ve only glanced at the link you posted, I need time to give it a proper look. I need more hours in a day.

    It looks awesome, at a glance!!! Maybe like SoulSeek, but comic nerds? I can’t wait to dive in (skepticism aside). Thanks for the link. It’s been hard to stay in the loop.