Im joining in on the reddit ditching thing, and was kinda worried at first that i wouldnt be able to like use it the way i did reddit as it feels like a whole new place, but after engaging with posts and people and actually being a part of lemmy rather than being lurk mode all the time i was pleasantly surprised with how easy it is to become a member of the community, theres a reasonable amount of subs (or whatever the other word for em is) that fit my interests, enough linux content and shitposting for my liking, and the overall random posts made by people equally fed up with Leddit. (also i admit i used reddit a little cus there was this post on the fedora sub showing how to fix a sound issue i been having after a recent update)

    2 years ago

    undefined> Can open signups so they don’t need to be approved?

    That probably won’t happen - any old timers here correct me if any of the following is incorrect, I hope im not being confidently incorrect. The amount of resources that the server needs, and the amount of mods it would take for that, would be quite a bit. Think of it this way - its not like is meant to be reddit as a whole. Its mean to be one singular small-ish instance of something similar, of which the server is ran on some private place by people largely doing it out of the goodness of their own heart. If one instance gets too big, that requires a lot of resources, and could likely kill the instance. Not only that, but open registration just screams bot abuse

    Its better to have things more decentralized, and have people go to new instances so that theres not a huge influx that burns moderators and resources out. Im personally hoping that more instances pop up for more niche things - ie, a server for sports, or for pc building etc