“You don’t have to be a C++ programmer to be successful,” he said. “You just have to be a prompt engineer. And who can’t be a prompt engineer? When my wife talks to me, she’s prompt engineering me.”
I enjoy the shit out of his comments on AI because they keep getting weirder and weirder.
So he admits that he is fucking stupid to the degree where his wife sees him as a npc bot character.
Until they are running NVIDIA without engineers believe fuck all.
The superfluous managerial CEO on the other hand… any LLM is good enough to give you a list of step by step instructions to achieve a goal.
Yeah I could see one day, many years from now, programming being less important due to how good AI is. But that would be many years off, and I can’t imagine both that we’re going to have AI so good it can actually replace developers and that “prompt engineering” would be necessary for anything other than malicious abuses of an AI.
Prompt engineering as a profession doesn’t make sense if programming doesn’t. If prompt engineering is so complex as to need speciality professionals to execute it how is that functionally different to programming in a different language?