Posted to the dunk tank because we don’t really have a rant space.

Okay I know calling A Current Affair news is a stretch but damn that boomer propaganda be slimy.

I hardly watch TV news anymore but they had a story about “Why are nurses and teachers missing out while these guys profit!?” And I fell for the click bait hoping that it was a story calling out wage theft or something similar, so I watched.

So what was the story actually about?

“OMG look at all the UNDERSERVED perks and high pay that construction workers get with no increase to production BECAUSE THEY HAVE A UNION. UNIONS ARE EEEEEVIL! All that money has to come from somewhere so THATS why all you teachers and nurses don’t get decent pay! Small business would collapse if everyone was paid well! Waaaaah! It’s EVIL UNIONS and THE COMMUNIST LABOR PARTY!” (That last part is extra infuriaing to me because in reality Labor is just as right-wing and anti-union as the American Dems)

Such blatant propaganda to direct workers anger against each other rather than the real issue, which is “Shouldn’t everyone be getting a fair deal at work?”

Of course capitalism bootlickers would say "NO WE NEED PEOPLE TO EXPLOIT BECAUSE THATS HOW WE MAKE BIIIIG MONEY. Sorry sweaty, someone has to be under the boot and it’s not going to be me! the-republican "

I will make no excuses for the terror.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    6 months ago

    My area recently banned a tipped wage; tipped workers now have to be paid minimum wage. Article after article now is talking about how restaurants are suddenly going to go out of business because their razor thin margins means they can’t afford to pay their people! Oh noes! Meanwhile I know a number of restaurants near me that already paid a living wage and some that even provide healthcare and they have been open and doing fine for a long time. Media is completely useless when talking about good things basically.

  • goog [any]
    6 months ago

    category 1 UlysseysT tier incoherent rage posting (feel free to take this positively if you were going for it)

  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    6 months ago

    I’m always awed at how terrible of a format TV news is in general. I’m so used to posting that I take if for granted that if you say some dumb shit people can call you out, ask for sources, provide additional context, etc. Yeah internet discourse often sucks too but the format at least allows for some kind of back-and-forth discussion and fact-checking. TV news is unironically 1984 dystopian propaganda regardless of what channel or program you’re watching. The only viewpoints represented are from people rich enough to run a channel, and they have complete control over which issues get how much attention and what kind of framing, and opposing views are only ever presented to be framed as ridiculous. And on top of that, you spend as much time watching ads as the actual program.

    • btbt [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Shit the programming from the 1984 universe would probably be better, they had funny stuff like Trotsky being turned into a sheep in their shows