gets immediately owned
59 positive is enough for rule 8, right?
Link even though I’m a lib:
gets immediately owned
59 positive is enough for rule 8, right?
Link even though I’m a lib:
My comment from the original thread about this thread:
Great thread. I especially love how some guy aks why the thread I mentioned was a goldmine and gets immediate response with screenshot of some funny comments. I love that who took the screenshot must have seen the rest, comments like this:
but still decided to screenshot only the funny comments. Anyways, happy dunking.
EDIT: Also, most of comments in the thread are crying about how could I ever imagine tankie defending anti-LGBT move from Russia, because tankies don’t actually support Russia (sure). Well, this comment proves that tankies are definitely able to do all mental gymnastics to defend moves like that:
If they defend China closing LGBT center, am I so crazy to expect them to defend Russia closing LGBT instance?
This is the same thing you fools do with elections. Whenever someone says they won’t support Biden you scream that it automatically means we support Trump despite knowing deep down in your heart of hearts that that is complete and total bullshit.
You swim in a sea of ideology. You drown yourselves in it to the point that you no longer say rational things or analyse situations as rational actors.
I didn’t screenshot the comment you posted because there’s nothing wrong with it lmfao
Don’t you think you have a journalistic responsibility to report a fair and balanced accounting of events as they transpired?