OpenAI’s Sora has increased competitive pressure on Adobe
Adobe has built AI models with stock library, procured media
I think this is the best thing AI is doing for society, it’s getting a bunch of tech giants to blow a ton of fucking money on it when everyone with a brain knows that the end result is not going to be a product anyone can use.
How does “blowing money” on it work (i.e. how does it hurt the big guys and hopefully help the little guys)? Like, one tech giant spends a bunch of money buying petabytes of video from another tech giant, the tech giants as a whole haven’t really lost anything, have they? The foreigners doing the data labeling aren’t benefiting off this as they’re paid pennies, the only people I can see winning from this is techbros as the demand for them temporarily increases until the fad dies down.
I don’t consider myself an AI enthusiast, but I think that what you are saying is a lie.
This video is scary as hell, i think here you can grasp the potentiality of ai video models. Of cpurse they will not replace us completely, but think about the “lower ends” video makers, they will have little chance vs this kind of models, because they will be cheap someday and will do a better job in less time.
better job
Not a single one of the example videos stands up to close scrutiny.
Even the most obvious AI-generated images/audio get paraded around on social media. No one gives close scrutiny.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
And yet they haven’t bought any of my fart videos yet
That’s an insane amount of money. I should shovel them some video.