The way Redditors write has big “civil war general writing a missive to the homestead” energy. I love seeing long reply chains that end like:

(…) this will conclude my 80,000 word response in which I have objectively proven that you are unintelligent, irrational, and facilitate poor literacy in regards to the use of technology. Perhaps you should take an introductory level programming class to better yourself, hmmm?

As to your claims that I am being “condescending”: I am sorry sir, but I just calls it like I sees it. Perhaps you need to learn how to handle criticism.

Edit: I cannot believe that he blocked me! I avoided ad-homonyms and remained civil, but he decided that it would be better to silence rational actors instead of letting them provide education.

  • MachineFab812
    5 months ago

    I stopped using r/all after the first few years. I changed usernames twice, and both times I just copied over the hundreds of subs I had been following. Now if I look, it is only at r/all, because I un-subbed everything on my way out, across all accounts; Once I had found what equivalents I could via Lemmyverse, that is.

    Peeking like so only reminds me why I left, but yeah, r/all was always mostly shit. I’m just a ninetees kid who expected sorting through piles of crap to get to the good stuff, for way too long.