I am against student loan repayments. A plumber should not be paying for your gender studies degree.

  • gregorum@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Except when you claimed it couldn’t be confiscation because it was legal

    That’s not what I claimed. And your continued ignorance of the difference between confiscation and taxation is not my problem to solve.

    You said the government will pay the loans… I’m not sure why you think that’s profound. You also made claims that paying student loans would help the economy but your limited grasp of the economy and understanding of finite resources has stopped you from explaining how.

    It’s funny how you claim I am the one with a limited grasp of the economy when you’re the one who doesn’t understand how consumer spending stimulates the economy.

    You seem really hung up on taxes, my problem is not with taxes but with using them to pay people’s personal debts.

    Seems like you’re the one with the hangup— and a real habit for blaming others for things that are clearly your own fault.