Twelve people have been selected to serve as jurors in former President Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York, filling out the panel on the third day of proceedings.
Sorry to be unclear. I was at work and typing quickly. The man I called the “possible corruption guy” was mentioned in the story:
Prosecutors also raised concerns about Juror #4, saying they discovered information about someone sharing the person’s name who was arrested and potentially involved in a corruption investigation in the 1990s. The man arrived late to court and was briefly questioned by attorneys in front of the judge, out of earshot from the court’s microphones. Merchan ultimately decided to dismiss the man.
And by “except for the alternates” I was referring to this bit:
The selection process will continue Friday, since six alternate jurors are needed before the trial can move to opening arguments. One alternate had been selected as of Thursday afternoon.
Anyway, thank you for asking. If you were confused, I expect others were, too.
Already? Wow! Good job kicking out the possible corruption guy, too!
People were predicting that jury selection would go into next week. I’m glad it’s completed (except for the alternates).
Man, you start sounding good, but then throw in something that makes it confusing.
What do you mean by “possible corruption guy”?
And what do you mean by “except for the alternates”?
Sorry to be unclear. I was at work and typing quickly. The man I called the “possible corruption guy” was mentioned in the story:
And by “except for the alternates” I was referring to this bit:
Anyway, thank you for asking. If you were confused, I expect others were, too.
Thank you. No, I apologize. Obviously I need to RTFA.
No one’s confused by that obvious part!