Whenever you store a value that has a unit in a variable, config option or CLI switch, include the unit in the name. So:

  • maxRequestSize => maxRequestSizeBytes
  • elapsedTime => elapsedSeconds
  • cacheSize => cacheSizeMB
  • chargingTime => chargingTimeHours
  • fileSizeLimit => fileSizeLimitGB
  • temperatureThreshold => temperatureThresholdCelsius
  • diskSpace => diskSpaceTerabytes
  • flightAltitude => flightAltitudeFeet
  • monitorRefreshRate => monitorRefreshRateHz
  • serverResponseTimeout => serverResponseTimeoutMs
  • connectionSpeed => connectionSpeedMbps

EDIT: I know it’s better to use types to represent units. Please don’t write yet another comment about it. You can find my response to that point here: https://programming.dev/comment/219329

  • 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕪𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕟@programming.devOP
    1 year ago

    I absolutely agree. But:

    • sometimes you need to modify existing code and you can’t add the types necessary without a giant refactoring
    • you can’t express units with types in:
      • JSON/YAML object keys
      • XML tag or attribute names
      • environment variable names
      • CLI switch names
      • database column names
      • HTTP query parameters
      • programming languages without a strong type system

    Obviously as a Hungarian I have a soft spot for Hungarian notation :) But in these cases I think it’s necessary.