I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but it’s the first place that came to mind.

I just saw an ad on YouTube advertising penis enlargement pills with nothing but a video of a doctor that had a handful of jump cuts, and the video was paired with audio that had no noticeable cuts.

Most notably, the doctor’s lips were clearly edited by an AI to make it look like what she was saying matched the audio, even though the video and audio were obviously recorded separately.

I just think it’s downright fucking hilarious that YouTube now has the same ads that porn sites have. Damn, Google. What a dumpster fire.

  • joostjakob@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Recently saw an AI made ad on YouTube that had Dutch text spoken by a German artificial voice. The add faked a Belgian Dutch speaking official news bulletin. I reported it to Google; I had to appeal their original decision to get it removed.