Now everybody go fucking vote.
Protest every fucking step of the way. But on 11/5 get your ass to the polls. Voting is not an endorsement, it’s a measure to hold back the christofascist state so more ten year olds don’t have to carry their rapist’s baby to term.
Now everybody go fucking vote.
Vote for whom? You clearly don’t want me to vote for just anyone, so say the name. Stop being a pussy and say who it is you want me to vote for.
Sorry! I thought in context the message was overt. I’ll use direct and simple language for you.
Anyone who doesn’t want 10 year olds be forced to carry their rapist’s baby: Vote. For. Biden.
It’s pretty obvious given the article, I think. You could try giving it a read.
Well for Bernie obviously
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
“We can help you push Biden left once he’s president!” - Dems in 2020
Don’t vote -> ??? -> World peace
Draw me the rest of the fucking owl. I’ve yet to hear a plan as to how not voting actually helps anyone.
I have no illusions what Biden is. Or what Trump is. Vote.
How much are you getting paid? I only wish I was as passionate about my job as you are about yours.
I do it for free. Off to Long Beach Pride!
Have fun. If you have your way, it might be for the last time.
We’ll survive. We always do.
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Yeah well, except those that don’t, I guess
If you want nudge your government to the left you certainly won’t achieve it by letting the candidate from the right win.
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Election reform. When third parties are viable options (they are absolutely not now and just create a spoiler effect that works against your side), politics will need to shift to accommodate those interests. Push for Ranked Choice Voting and more!
What do you suggest the left do? I know you’ve said you believe in protesting at the polls. What’s step two?
Centrist Dems went back to brunch and got lazy once Biden won. Maybe we need a fire lit under people’s asses to get them in the streets and fighting for change again.
Garbage babe. Utter dog pile. Tripe. Sweetheart, let auntie cup your bright little cheeks between her hands, look you in eye, and tell you things you dont want to hear.
Trump wants to use lethal force on protesters and half the country will cheer him on while he does it. Both sides are not the same. The 2025 project will get rid of all those pesky civil servants that stood in the way the last time he suggested it and the US is great at marginalizing ‘militant’ actors.
‘Fine people on both sides’ do you not remember? Were you too young to pay attention? Under trump we will lose a ‘fight in the streets.’ Go read some about the histories of what happens to all the good little leftists when the gloves come off.
It doesn’t matter if you were right. The state will make up an excuse as to why you deserved it, and enough people will buy it or be too afraid to make themselves a target by protesting. The boat will not rock, the needle of the cause will not move. For example: how much time did your school spend on the battle of Blair Mountain? We’ve tried this before, again and again, and the military buries the evidence and we forget.
The better agent of change, albeit slow and unsatisfying, is to convince people they have a conscience and should listen to it. Vote you motherfucker, it’s like wearing a seatbelt.
Slight correction- no one stood in Trump’s way when he fired rubber bullets on protesters in DC, or when he sent tanks and armed forces to turn Portland into a police state.
He’s already got a loophole for that.
To be fair, I think we’ve been using rubber bullets on innocent people for a while now. Who remembers Occupy? (Protect your eyes! Some of the shitbags aim for the head.)
So you’re an accelerationist? You believe a Trump presidency would lead to a violent revolution that will improve the nation?
I believe Biden’s already lost. We’re getting Trump regardless.
Your frequent anti-Biden posts really seem to be focused on ensuring you’re right. You do realize your opinion isn’t prophecy, right?
You’re telling people like this they need to shut up, sit down, and do what you tell them to do.
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So you’re a defeatist? Fucking coward.
In good faith: did you hear anyone actually say this? Biden’s a Clinton Democrat: more friendly to big business than to the working class. He was never going to be a class-leftist, and nobody promised he would be.
But he has been socially liberal, and he didn’t need any nudging. He was always socially liberal.
And those are your choices, for better or worse: an economically right-leaning, socially left-leaning old white man; or an economically hard-right, socially hard-right old white man.
The only way to fix this is to get rid of the electoral college and implement something other than first-past-the-post voting. Not voting is not going to fix it. In the meantime, you try to get the guy elected who isn’t trying to instigate a dictatorship.
Biden has not been socially liberal. He’s been an establishment Democrat his whole career. He has trailed the left and towed the line of the party, but he has patently not been socially liberal. However, he has atleast brought on policy advisors who are socially liberal like Heather Boushey, Stef Feldman, and Brian Deese.
Here are some links for reference.
And you think you’ll have better luck with Trump?
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She endorsed Biden and kept pushing for him in 2020. Now because she voices how she feels she’s an idiot?
Blue MAGA gonna Blue MAGA. Voter shaming doesn’t work.
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She maintained, that despite her stance, she is not encouraging people not to vote. “I’m not encouraging anybody to not vote. You do what you want to do, but I’m telling you what I’m doing and that’s it,” she said. "But the more you know, and the more passionate you become, the more you see that our leaders are evil."She said that people have told her that she needs to “pick the lesser evil” when it’s time to vote this year, but she considers both of them “evil.”
“I’m all for protecting America and for the better of America, but this war is not doing nothing for America and it hurts me,” she said. “Children are dying… I hate that, that disgusts me no matter what religion, no matter what language we speak. We all have one thing in common. We love our children, we love our parents, we love our family.”
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Yes, we get it. They’re both the same.
lol. Celebrity publically announces her intention not to vote, and you expect this announcement to have zero effect on her groupies ? especially when the headlines conveniently leave out the part where she says “I’m not telling you what to do”?
Neither does voter abstention.
But has anyone reached out to Ja Rule about what he has to say on the matter?
Our system is pretty broken, but if you’re given a lever to pull (voting) you may as well pull it. There is no benefit to be gained from opting out.
Idk, seems like one way to peacefully make a system illegitimate and obsolete
Optimistic thinking! But I’m afraid such protests are futile for many reasons. The biggest issue is that refusing to vote has no visibility; it is not like a real protest or real activism. You simply disappear in numbers small enough to not matter, and those in power will continually claim the power until contested.
There is no reconciling with those in power through pacifism. History teaches us this time and time again. Continue to vote while you can, and remember Trotsky’s ideals for when things go bad.
- Never trust the ruling class
- Control your leaders
- Have confidence in your own abilities
It’s never worked in the past. So surely it will work this time!
The system doesn’t care if you think it’s legitimate or not. Especially if you don’t vote. They’ve worked hard to take the votes of many, nullify the votes of others. They’ll just laugh at the ones that waste theirs.
On paper, totally !
I’m sure the people on the right — who already actively engage in suppressing the vote of people who do want to vote — will feel deeply concerned about the legitimacy of their increased power due to people on the left deciding not to vote.
And I’m sure the Democrats, who will then have even less power in the federal government, will somehow use their non-power to pass laws to make things better in order to woo these non-voters who have proven their unreliability.
She’s trash, don’t care what she has to say about anything
Dumb cunt
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At this point Ozma has run out of goodwill. Just block and be done with it.
That’s cool, but choosing to do nothing is also a choice and you’ll see worse results under Trump, maybe even American forces helping out in the genocide, complete withdrawal of any Palestinian relief efforts, even more weapons provided without any conditions, and repression of groups here in the US. Saving the Palestinians would be great, but throwing out everything else for their sake when it won’t even make a difference just seems childish. If Trump gets power again, you won’t even have the freedom to worry about the Palestinians anymore, but you’ll still have to live with dead Palestinian children under rubble.
With Biden, there’s at least attempts at trying to reign in the Israelis. The US has less sway over the Israelis than what many probably think, as we can see with Israel’s/Netanyahu’s flippant attitude towards Biden’s urgings for restraint. Israel specifically started positioning itself to be less reliant on US influence since the 90s. We should still just stop sending them weapons altogether, but at least under Biden there an effort to stop it (as ineffectual as they are). Under Trump, the US will give increased enthusiastic support.
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I think the detailed explanations are still good for others who come in without knowing OP has a clear agenda.
Stay pressed. Maybe learn why people don’t support genocide Joe
genocide Joe
That’s a tired claim as well. Ignored that after he blocked some support that the Republicans went out of their way to ensure that support is sent anyways? It’s not on Biden. That said, I don’t agree with the support.
Still sending…
Biden administration is sending $1 billion more in weapons, ammo to Israel, congressional aides say
You mean congress? Congress is the one who orders and pays for everything. Biden May sign off on it. But he’s not sending it.
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Your boy Trump is going to kill all the Gazans and bulldoze it to make way for Kushner’s condos. You’re completely lost
F Trump. I’m far left. Y’all centrists are closer to Trump than I.
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Even more lost then
lolmao. Far left and paving a highway for Trump. The gymnastix
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lol. Because Trump would do so much better in that area