After 2 months the mycelium “won” the battle and consumed all the bacteria and started invitro pinning. Sadly, it did not fruit. Maybe the infection left it too weak? Anyone have a similar instance in their grows?
I have a jar with popcorn kernels that was inoculated with pink oyster spawn. This particular jar showed white dots all over the popcorn the next day but I haven’t been able to identify what it is. It’s been about a week and a half now, the mycelium is very slowly trying to grow, and where it does grow it seems to be wiping out the white dots. I’m keeping it going to see what happens, but thanks for mentioning the fruiting problems, I will have to watch for that if this batch survives and goes to fruiting bags.
Fortunately I spread my spawn between this and a jar of rye berries, and the rye jar is going great. The pink oyster does seem to grow MUCH slower than the blue oyster jars which were prepared at the same time, but I should be able to get at least one crop of the pinks out of this.
Depending on the white dots it could be hyphal knots (if the mycelium is already there).
Post some pics when you’ve got fruits or of your process! Would love to see it.
I have a pic here of the white dots on the popcorn. It hasn’t really changed much since then.
And a shot of the cremini container when I opened it up. There was more buried deeper in the cardboard so I picked out what I could and transferred those pieces to the grain jars.
Those white dots are odd. Not sure what they could be. The cremini mycelium looks awesome though! Love that rhizomorphic growth.