I’m going insane. I cannot for the life of me find a suitable way to listen to music privately. I’m on iOS, and I don’t know whether to just stick to Apple Music or give up on music in general (I tried, TRIED to go local, but all the apps are shitty). Any way to listen to music and not have your data compromised? Should I just stick to Apple Music and hope that laws change (maybe something like EU’s DMA?)

  • ArtisinalBS@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    You assume to know what kind of information is leaking when you use these apps.
    How did you come to have these proprietary information?

    Unless you have proof otherwise - I’m going to assume that they have access to: My location, my ip, typing speed and common spelling mistakes, IMEI identifiers , installed social media apps…

    Now all it takes to make an online profile about you is just one more app or website that leaks the same kind of information