The term “Ufology” was coined in the late 1950s, following a surge of public interest in UFO sightings that began in the late 1940s. The field involves the collection and analysis of data related to UFO sightings, abductions, and other phenomena associated with unidentified aerial activities. Ufologists employ a range of methods to investigate these phenomena, from eyewitness interviews and forensic analysis to the review of government documents and radar data.

Ufology, the study of unidentified flying objects, has evolved from a subject of fringe interest to a multidisciplinary field with implications for national security and the burgeoning space economy. As governments and private enterprises advance their space-related initiatives, the data and findings from Ufology could offer valuable insights, particularly in the realms of aerospace technology and strategic planning. While Ufology still faces challenges in gaining full academic and public credibility, its intersection with the expanding space economy makes it an area worth watching.