• username_unavailable@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I absolutely have and drive a car - but the ebike I paid $2200 for over a year ago costs you $1500 today.

    I could have gone cheaper, but I’m a very heavy guy and needed a strong frame.

    After 600 miles I added another motor, battery, and controller and have since added a third battery.

    I have a lot of fun, quick trips are FUN on my bike and ofter faster than my car ( 25 mph speed limit and my top speed is 28, plus I often get to park real close to the doors and can take paths I cannot or would not take a car ).

    The “homeless” factor for me is that with some solar panels my fuel cost is nil. ( I don’t have those, but a “solar trailer” is planned ).

    It doesn’t replace my car the same way my phone didn’t replace my desktop - but things that I would have used a (desktop, calculator, camera, etc ) for I now use my phone for. There are a lot of things I used to usey car for that I now do on my bike, and have more fun and very little frustration. ( Other drivers often get under my skin while driving )