I play the switch version and am wondering if it would be possible to transfer my save file to other platforms? Is that possible?
I play the switch version and am wondering if it would be possible to transfer my save file to other platforms? Is that possible?
Yes, I did it. But you need a modded switch.
Then you can put the save on the PC version.
The pc version cannot go into the switch version though.
They can’t be synced.
I play on an emulator
So it’s only a one way transfer?
Can switch version play with PC players?
No, but if your on an emulator it’s much easier.
The save file is compressed on switch. You should be able to google search the name of the program. It will decompress the switch files and then you can just place them where the PC saves go.
But it’s only useful if you plan to switch to of permanently.
Oh. Guess I’ll stay in emu then.
I know this sounds fucking dumb but what about switch -> android
Probably the same as Switch->PC because the PC and Android/iOS saves are fully compatible.
Cool :3
Tho I might just stay on switch. Thank yih anyway tho
Yes, but it will have the same limitations.
The main problem is that the PC version is ahead of phones and switch. So a newer save file cannot be put onto an older version of the game.
My wife have a 400 hour file on the switch and wants to play the newer updates, but doesn’t want to play on a laptop. So, she is kinda stuck waiting to play the update.
So the version can only go forward, got it