Ardor von Heersburg

Ehemalige DSA-Figur, die es irgendwie geschafft hat, eines Menschen Pseudonym im Internet zu werden.

Former TDE character who somehow managed to become one mans pseudonym on the internet.

  • 33 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • CAUTION: Book spoilers

    I actually saw some reviews from other book readers before I watched this episode. The impression there was, to put it mildly, negative, which is why I started with some worries.

    In my eyes, however, this is absolutely wrong. A frequently mentioned point is how the relationship between Rand and Lanfear is still portrayed so positively. I actually have to agree with that. Just as I was rather critical of the one between Egwene and Rand a few episodes ago. I really hope they turn it around here, but maybe the last scene actually offers the opportunity to finish both in one go. I hope so.

    But apart from that, this is another absolutely great episode:

    • To stay with Rand’s women: We see the first beginnings between him and Aviendah this episode. Yes it’s all subtle and yes she hates him but that’s the way it has to be and the chemistry between them is starting to show up
    • The girls and Mat on the boat were also great and, admittedly, simply entertaining.
    • And wow, the wind finders. Absolutely great, especially the representation almost like northern lights. The presentation actually surpassed all the scenes in my head.
    • We found out why Allana is at the two rivers.
    • Faile is absolut spot on.
    • The scene between Morraine and Suan really got to me personally and was in great contrast to the one with Lan before. They were both very well realized.
    • Mat & Min: I kind of ship them now, I like their scenes together

    Those where my thoughts for now. Maybe I’ll add to the list if I think of anything else.

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    Bedienen lassen die sich nur über die DHL eigene App mitsamt Internetzugang und Bluetooth-Verbindung. Wenn man also (wo ich mich zuzähle) nicht für jeden Mist ne App aufm Handy haben will, keines hat oder ein System hat für welches die App nicht angeboten wird steht man wortwörtlich vor ner Wand und kann nichts machen. Besonders toll wenn DHL von sich aus Pakete zu solchen Stationen umleitet.

  • Ardor von HeersburgOPto..:: tchncs ::..Remove dead communities
    13 days ago

    Crossposting it here because it also has happend to me that I inadvertently followed an old community a couple of weeks ago.

    There is of course also a downside because the old communities do have content one might want to access.

    So I‘m not sure if it is a good idea but I would at least like to propose it here for discussion.

  • Some thoughts to episode 1 in no special order (caution spoilers):

    • I really like the set and the costumes, they are perfect. They were not bad in the previous seasons, but they are getting better and better
    • Even though the scene itself was great, I’m not quite sure what to make of the Black Ajah fight. To me the balance of power doesn’t seem quite right, Suan in particular just seems weaker than she should be in my opinion
    • I liked what they did with Aviendha and Elayne, but I’m not a fan of Rand and Egwene still being together at this point. They should have wrapped that up and used the time to really start to build up the relationship with Elayne (not that there wasn’t anything, I just would have preferred a bit more direct approach). But we will see where they are going with that. Even though I liked the general idea behind Rand’s love life in the books, it is also one of the points with the greatest potential for improvement in the realisation.
    • Love Mat, he is great
    • Moghedien is reeeeaaaaly creepy and thats good
    • It’s great to see how Rand is for once evading all influence and unexpectedly goes his own way. I also think it’s very smart from a story perspective. It’s been a while since I read the books, but I don’t think it ever made sense to me that Callandor came before the Aiel waste

    Definitely a good start, I’m looking forward to see how it will go on. Hope to find time for episode two soon.