I plan to host Conduit for my friends and family. Even if I invite absolutely everyone there would be no more than 50 users, max. But would it actually sustain and work, as it is not yet on 1.0 is a question. I do not want to host Synapse as I had bad time with it’s (lack of) garbage collecting. We do not plan to join very big rooms.

Most importantly, if you host it yourself, host is the usage (mostly disk) with how many users?

  • smileyheadOP
    9 months ago

    No problem.

    Overall, purely technically, no. This has to be the hostname of the computer the Conduit is running on. And it can be in the local network (LAN) with your own name.

    But practically, yes. Because you must buy a domain name and point that domain to the server localtion (IP address). And the only global domain names available to register have TLDs :).

    So, yes.