I love The Germanies deeply, which is why I long for the DDR to be re-established and the populace Stasi’d good and hard for 200 years until they are no longer Like This.
Only the forcible overthrow of the bourgeoisie, the confiscation of its property, the destruction of the entire bourgeois state apparatus from top to bottom—parliamentary. judicial, military, bureaucratic, administrative, municipal, etc.—right down to the wholesale deportation or internment of the most dangerous and stubborn exploiters and the institution of strict surveillance over them so as to foil their inevitable attempts to resist and to restore capitalist slavery—only such measures can ensure real submission of the whole class of exploiters.
Al Qassam, please start using the German flag in your videos instead of the red triangle.
YES; oh this would absolutely be hilarious.
A triangle in the colours of the German flag too!
It was nice to see Spain Germany on the pitch today.
even better when you think about spain beeing a cosponsor of the Genocide case in the ICJ , while germany is a Co-Defender for Israel…
Guess they have to ban spain now
New emoji, upside down Merkel triangle
Germania delenda est…
I hope the Americans blow up some more of their critical infrastructure.
Spank me harder daddy
Sounds like freedumb to me
White Aryan child gets arrested for coloring in a triangle in red in kindergarten; gets screamed at for supporting Hamas and deported; temporarily shares cell with other kindergartners who didn’t get the memo.
Verbot des nuts