How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?
United Airlines switched to lighter paper for in-flight use to save 11lbs source
From that article:
“With United Airline’s 4,500 daily departures, it made sense to cut 1 oz. from its in-flight magazine, and switch to a lighter paper (weighing 6.85 oz.) instead. What this means in a larger scale, says the Times, is that the airline is saving 170,000 gallons of fuel a year which amounts to $290,000 in annual fuel costs.”
United Airlines switched to lighter paper for in-flight use to save 11lbs source
From that article:
“With United Airline’s 4,500 daily departures, it made sense to cut 1 oz. from its in-flight magazine, and switch to a lighter paper (weighing 6.85 oz.) instead. What this means in a larger scale, says the Times, is that the airline is saving 170,000 gallons of fuel a year which amounts to $290,000 in annual fuel costs.”
Interesting, I know they used to sell special thin airmail paper for international letters, so it makes sense.